Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Written Analysis 5: Duck Dynasty

The theories that I feel are best related to my popular culture topic, Duck Dynasty, would be stereotypes and rituals. I pick these two because if you see a picture of the Robertson clan you see big men with long, dark beards who wear bandannas and paint on their faces. Most people would associate these traits with “hillbilly,” “poor” and even “dirty.” However, they are actually successful men who do shower, and are proud of their beards and their background. They are men who own a multi-million dollar company that started out because of their hobby of duck hunting. The father, Phil, who started the business, came from a family with no money, they barely could afford shoes for him and Christmas presents. He never gave up and he turned down playing Pro football to fulfill his dream of his hobby, which later turned into a multi-million dollar company. I also chose rituals as all the members of the Robertson family believe in God and they practice their religion and make it known on TV.  Especially how each and every episode ends with a prayer from Phil and him describing what they are thankful for; I think that it’s awesome they aren’t ashamed as they are proud of how God has blessed them and they make it known.
My most interesting findings when I was researching more information about Duck Dynasty was stated in one of the interviews, if A&E would ask the Robertson’s to stop talking about God and to stop praying at the end of each episode then the Robertson’s would stop filming. I thought that it was honoring to know that there are still people out there that aren’t scared to share their faith and will turn down more money and a successful show because of how strong their faith is. I thought it was completely awesome.

I will think of Duck Dynasty differently now rather than I did before because now I break down each episode and look for icons, rituals, stereotypes, beliefs, myths and so forth. I not only do it with this show but also with movies that I see, it’s crazy how this class impacts how I look at pop culture. This class really taught me a lot about popular culture and how it impacts us on a daily basis. I never would have seen Duck Dynasty the way I do now if it wasn’t for this class. 

1 comment:

  1. They do live up to the typical "hillbilly" stereotype in the way that they look. I think they like to look that way because they like to fool people who rely on stereotypes to make their judgement about others. Which is pretty funny! I didn't know that they were so religious which I would have not guessed. I do not watch the show but I hear it is really funny.
