The theories that apply to Duck Dynasty’s rituals would be the
prayer that Phil leads every night before their family dinner. Another ritual
the Duck Dynasty clan participates in
is always killing their food and how hunting is their way of living. In
addition to the rituals, Duck Dynasty
has proven many stereotypes to be wrong.
The show portrays the
stereotype of a redneck; the Robinson family started out in life as a lower
class family and after their successful business of duck calls they are now
millionaires. However, even though they are wealthy now they continue to keep
the traditions and activities that they used to do to this day. One of the
stereotypes that I found interesting, especially with how society is today is
the gender roles. In all of the episodes the men go have fun, kill the dinner,
and work outside and the wife(s) stay inside to cook and clean. However, the
men always obey the women and are very respectful by always saying “miss”
before their first name.
The insights that I gain from applying these
theories to my popular culture topic, Duck
Dynasty would be my morals and values. I really love the fact that the men
respect the women and it shows on each and every episode. I feel as the times
have changed that men don’t respect women as much and I don’t know if it is
because women are way more independent today more than they used to be or if
along the generations respect got lost for women.
I have never been able to bring myself to watch the show. I think I have a stereotype about their looks. I think people who look like that remind me of my first husband. The long hair and beards and the good ole boy routine make me cringe. I guess looks are deceiving, I would not have know they were rich. I do like the rituals that you mentioned about prayer before dinner and being respectful of women. Honestly I think we women have brought a lot of the disrespect on ourselves, by trying to show we are equal to men.