Saturday, July 27, 2013

Heroes and The Cult of the Celebrity

When I watch Duck Dynasty and think of a hero Phil Robertson (the dad) comes to my mind. Phil was not only an amazing athlete when it came to football he also started the duck call company. However, Phil did not want to deal with the workload of owning a large growing, successful company as he wanted to enjoy what he does best, hunt and kill for Ms. Kay to cook meals for the family. Willie, who is one of Phil’s and Ms. Kay’s sons, completed his college degree and took over as the COE of the Duck Commander Company. Phil is a hero to some viewers because of his football talent and to others because he is so successful. One of Phil’s best qualities is when he became successful he continued to keep all of his family traditions and stayed true to who he was as in individual, husband, father, and grandfather. If you watch interviews, the show, or videos of Phil when discussing his role on the show and he says that God, Family, then duck calls are the order of importance. He makes it known that God is number one and that is how his family has become so successful and how they are happy with life and each other in the process.

The cult of the celebrity is different when watching this show as Duck Dynasty has steadily rose to the top. Each of the cast members have a different personality, goal, and stereotype which makes it great for marketing purposes as the viewers can relate to at least one if not more of the cast members. I remember a year ago when the show was known, but now a year later you walk in the store and you see Duck Dynasty shirts, coffee cups, duck calls, shot glasses, hats, etc. The show has grown rapidly and society is helping by following Duck Dynasty on every social media aspect as well as continuing to watch the show on A & E. As the cult of the celebrity is described, Duck Dynasty is a great example because the show has gone uphill on the charts since it first aired and setting trends and fads to society. You see children dressed up like the Duck Dynasty clan for Halloween and you see people quoting lines from Uncle Si and Phil; there is no doubt that this show is great success. 

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